Sunday, July 22, 2007

Let's hangi out


Well after a convincing victory over Australia last night we are set to win the Rugby world cup. If South Africa and Australia can't bet us, who can be against us? Canada? LOL

Well, in news this week- I did a speech at Toastmasters. I finally have beat the temptation to use my notes when I speak. I needed to cut my speech down from 10minutes to 5-7, and I worked out the easiest way to do that is not use my notes, as you naturally summarise when you speak. I talked about my experience teaching in Japan.

Friday night I went to the "Stars in Your Eyes" event they had up here. It was entertaining, and the dinner was a Hangi. Afterwards they sold the remainder for $5 each, I had enjoyed mine so much I bought 3 more, had 1 for supper, 1 for Saturday lunch, and have frozen the other.

Saturday I finally managed to sleep in. When I got up I went for a big ride on my new bike. I ended up visiting a friend and chatted for a few hours. He told me to drop in and visit my workmate at the backpackers cos a new girl had moved there and she was quite attractive. I was going to anyway (honestly), so I did.

That night was the rugby, so I went out to Ahipara and watched it with some mates and heaps of other guys, projected onto the wall. So that was all good.

Yeah, thats about my lot. Might go and see Transformers if Im a good boy LOL.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Isn't it Ironic? & into the information age and the sharemarket

Hey there

Yesterday I bit the bullet, and bought some shares in Burgerfuel. The ironic part of it is that I used the internet here at McDonalds. And to top it off, I came in today drinking from a cup from Subway.

I was rather proud of (yet also dissappointed that I hadn't done it before) with myself, finally getting round to using internet banking. I bought my shares, and then paid my membership dues to the Institute of Chartered Accountants.

Then this morning I went out and bought a bike. I had promised myself last year while in Japan that I would invest in a decent bike with front shocks once I had decent income. So today I finally did it. So all in all, I have spent almost $2000 in just over 24 hours. Just when my bank account had gotten back to it's pre-Japan level.

Tonight I think Im watching the rugby with a workmate at the pub, and tomorrow I may go to the movies and see either Transformers or Shrek 3.

Sweet as, catch ya

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Swept away

Hey there,

As I write, Im currently at Kaitaia College, as I've been evacuated here due to flooding, and the potential of the river/creek behind my apartment complex flooding into the complex.

Its rather surreal at the moment, one minute I had just finished watching the Final of the Apprentice on tv while making tomorrow's lunch, ironing my shirts etc, and the next the power goes off and we are asked to evacuate by the cops. Next to my complex there is the old people's home, so Im currently surrounded by old people too. A kid about 9 or 10 just before started telling me about Saw 3 (a rather horrible horror movie - how he managed to see it I don't know)

Tonight I was supposed to be doing a speech at Toastmasters, but it was cancelled due to the rain and flooding. I was glad as it means I can practice my speech some more, and raise it's standard from mediocre rushed job to stream-lined. I ended up writing a speech on my trip/time in Japan.

This morning I woke up at about 6.30am to find the power had been off, so I reset my alarm clocks, and then about 10 minutes later the power went off again.

The weekend was good. Friday night I just laxed back after dinner, and then Saturday I went to the stamp thing for about an hour, it was kinda interesting, but I wanted to see the ship. So anyhow, I drove down to Paihia, and checked out the old frigate. It was quite interesting, but I'm surprised they were showing it in that state, as it was still a bit messy from it's dismantling, and there were hatches open left right and centre, and plently of dark areas. Combine that with the young kids there it could have been an OSH nightmare.

Anyhow, I stayed the night in Paihia, then cruised back to Kaitaia, in time to catch a play at 2pm. After the play I enquired about joining the theatre group and they were keen to have me.

I have some inspirational insights to share, but I can never remember them while Im actually writting these entries.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

And another just like the other

You know the good thing about using the internet at McD's? They will never tell you off for eating while using the computer.

Hopefully this time this message and my last message will come up on the site, it seemed to work but I've been told by others that they couldn't access it.

Not much to report, Lost is finished season 3, Prison Break finished last week, and my mate Donald Trump concludes the Apprentice next week.

This weekend looks like it may be action-packed - there is a stamp exhibition on at the community centre (no joke intended, keep reading) and apparently the HMS Canterbury is at the Opua wharf (in the Bay of Islands) it looks like it may be sunk, and then I also noticed there are plays on at the community centre, and I have found out the deal with the movie theatre at Taipa (well 7kms inland from Taipa). I think I will try and hit the stamp exhibition, and then go and stay in Paihia the night and check out the HMS Canterbury.

yeah, not much else to say. catch ya