Another day in Crazy town

Yo.Since last time... well Friday presented itself with the final ever episode of the O.C. (end of season 4 - they could've actually finished after the 3rd season I reckon - this season was basically just milking the stone for some more money.)
The next day I went and checked out the open day at then Vintage museum. Kinda funny cos they had a vintage car - a 1975 Mark II Ford Escort - I had in a previous life a 1980 Mark II - same shape etc, except for the lights. And then there were some 1950 Fordson Major Tractors - we used to own one right up until we sold the farm 8 years ago.
That evening I went and practiced my lines, had dinner with, and critiqued The Next Pussycat Doll with my friends (the ones I cat-sat for a while back). Rather funny. We finished the night with some Beers and Borat. NICE! LOL
Naturally I stayed the night there, and they being British were up bright and early to watch England in the World cup final. I had to laugh, because Breakfast was very British, tea, and toast with marmalade. I then progressed home, and just veged out for the rest of the long weekend by playing Pirates on my newly fixed computer.
This week has been OK, quietish cos it was a short week, yet Im still stuffed. Little gutted cos my play's dates have changed and now I can't go to the South Island.
Back Again
Back from a weekend in the town of the future (Hamiltron, more that meets the eye)
Went down for my mate Dave's wedding. As weddings go, it was pretty good, despite not knowing many people.Busy weekend, doing the things that needed to be done, such as gathering props for my play, buying shoes etc.Got to practice my play 3 times though, which was good - my friend Ben came down to Hamilton with me, and we got to utilise the 5 hour drives by practicing my lines.Also good hearing about Mum & Dad's adventures in the USA.Anyway, check out my photos I have just put up. I'll put more up, but the computer's being tempremental.Got my laptop back, seems to be fine, which is awesome, get to play Pirates without it being a Dick! nice. This weekend is a long one - thinking I will do my chores Saturday, and then go camping the other 2 days, relax and achieve some stuff.
Blistered & busted
Unfortunately for us, the mighty All Blacks have been beaten by France (again). Its a grey day. But on the up side, at least Australia got beaten by England. It does soften the blow knowing George Gregan isn't going to be holding the cup.I actually missed the second (crucial) half of the game, because I had headed down the street for breakfast and to get my number for the fun walk. It wasn't until the start of the walk that I found out we had lost. Guttered.Right now I don't know if I'm more sore from the 12km walk, or the All Black's loss. The 12km walk wasn't that bad, minus the blister on my foot from my shoes (going strong since my 20th birthday - hence they are almost 8 years old - time for retirement) and the chuffing.Looking positive - Yesterday I went snorkelling. Rather cold, but I'm hard LOL. Then today I got a call from my sister in the UK, so that was all good.Friday night was the Stars in their eyes, which was OK, I knew some of the songs near the end. Last night I went to a Poker night, which was OK.Looking forward to going home this coming weekend, and finally catching up with my parents.In other news- a friend in Japan sent me a link to a news story about the company I worked for over there - sounds like its going down the tubes financially. Hopefully it doesn't take the volitile Japanese economy down with it. Apparently if the Japanese economy flops, so will the US, cos they are so linked. And then there is the other theory about the NZ economy after an All Blacks loss...
The Matrix
I thought it would look cool if I actually put some Japanese sentences up here in green to make it really look like the matrix. I discovered a while ago that the "scrolling code" they use on The Matrix is actually reversed Katakana.Anyway enjoy. Sorry for the lack of photos, waiting for my computer to be fixed. Look at Suzanne & Bev's website - its a lot more interesting than mine at the moment LOL. Last night I looked back at my old site just to see what I was up to this time last year, and the year before. Lets be bluntly honest - life was a lot more cooler then! about this time last year I was in Thailand & China. Actually mentioning China - I was just talking to some mates and they chastised me cos I compared the 12km fun walk to the Great Wall LOL. But Yeah, suffering the wish I was there doing that, with Suzanne & Bev in the UK, or even with the olds in the USA.Didn't help that I've just been watching music videos from the Killer's and Brooke Fraser that were shot in Japan.人の先生と一緒に英語で遊ぼう!2歳~小学6年生の方ならどなたでもご参加いただけます。参加者にプレゼント進呈中人の先生と一緒に英語で遊ぼう!2歳~小学6年生の方ならどなたでもご参加いただけます。参加者にプレゼント進呈中人の先生と一緒に英語で遊ぼう!2歳~小学6年生の方ならどなたでもご参加いただけます。参加者にプレゼント進呈中人の先生と一緒に英語で遊ぼう!2歳~小学6年生の方ならどなたでもご参加いただけます。参加者にプレゼント進呈中人の先生と一緒に英語で遊ぼう!2歳~小学6年生の方ならどなたでもご参加いただけます。参加者にプレゼント進呈中人の先生と一緒に英語で遊ぼう!2歳~小学6年生の方ならどなたでもご参加いただけます。参加者にプレゼント進呈中人の先生と一緒に英語で遊ぼう!2歳~小学6年生の方ならどなたでもご参加いただけます。参加者にプレゼント進呈中人の先生と一緒に英語で遊ぼう!2歳~小学6年生の方ならどなたでもご参加いただけます。参加者にプレゼント進呈中人の先生と一緒に英語で遊ぼう!2歳~小学6年生の方ならどなたでもご参加いただけます。参加者にプレゼント進呈中人の先生と一緒に英語で遊ぼう!2歳~小学6年生の方ならどなたでもご参加いただけます。参加者にプレゼント進呈中人の先生と一緒に英語で遊ぼう!2歳~小学6年生の方ならどなたでもご参加いただけます。参加者にプレゼント進呈中人の先生と一緒に英語で遊ぼう!2歳~小学6年生の方ならどなたでもご参加いただけます。参加者にプレゼント進呈中
Knowing me, Knowing Ruapehu: Laha!
Last week Mt Ruapehu threw it's toys out of the cot again, and had a little eruption. It gave me a good excuse to use the the above title.If you know of Steve Coogan - its a take on his line as Alan Partridge, (which is a take of the ABBA song.)Anyway, what has happened recently?Not much just been playing ping pong over oceans, while my whanau sees the world I see numbers.Last weekend my mate Ron came up and visited. It was cool hanging out, shame it wasn't more summer-like. Anyway, needless to say we had some really good feeds, as we do. Watched Nacho Libre, actually quite funny. This weekend is Stars in their eyes 2 which should be entertaining, if not, at least I'll get a good feed (they'll have hangi again). Then on Sunday Im doing the Kaitaia 12km fun walk. Should be interesting. The only thing I can compare it to distance-wise is the Great Wall of China - but at least this will be relatively flat, and I don't have to fend off souvenir sellers.The following weekend Im heading back to H-Town for my mate Dave's wedding. I worked it that Im taking a mate down (who doesn't drive, and has a girlfriend in Hamilton) so we'll share the cost, and also I'll have some conversation.The play is going OK, just got to learn my lines. I had thought about organising a touch team to play on Thursday nights, but that idea got canned, cos it would be too much effort, and I don't have any free weekdays as it is.Just waiting on the Play people to tell me when exactly we are performing, so I can book my holidays and make definite plans for when my ex-flatmate Kevin comes to NZ. Looking forward to it.Been watching the World Cup a little bit - but not bothering with the late nights and early mornings especially with the easy games. Will take a more active interest when we start playing threatening teams, like South Africa or Australia. Anyway, got to walk my bike home in the dark now - I've been good lately, trying to walk or ride places when possible. I still end up being earlier than most people as it is. Kaitaia time...