Saturday, August 25, 2007

Moo Loo Ole Ole Ole

Well we did it, and we did it with style - Waikato won the shield, and did it racking up the most points difference for a challenger in the history of the Ranfurly shield.

Well, other than that, I don't have much to say - other than a shout out to Joe's Garage bar here in Kaitaia. I was uncharacteristically not so tired after watching my dose of Friday TV, so I decided to check out the night life. I went to buy a L&P at Joe's and they asked me if I was the sober driver- well I was driving (hence why I was getting an L&P) and I was sober, so I said yes, and therefore I got it for free. I was stoked, and think it's great they are encouraging sober drivers, especially because I think the culture up here is Drink driving is OK, as long as the cops don't get you.

This morning I went to a garage sale, and the markets. This afternoon just cleaned and stuff.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Another day in the Rat Race

Hey ya,

Since last time...

Well I went for a drive to Tane Mahuta, but didn't quite get there. But I did see a bit of rural Northland LOL- mainly due to a wrong turn... however I saw a valley of unique boulders. and a Kauri grove. Not a complete loss.

Tuesday was the humourous speech competition, I think my speech went well, I didn't come anywhere, but I got a lot of good responses from it. At the same time getting compliments is because they are suprised that you are actually not so bad a speaker - for example - thats the best speech I've heard you do - kind of like the "you've lost weight" comment - it implies you were fat before. Anyway, my speech was "Through a single guy's eyes". Funny thing was I was working back to work this week and I someone who was watching the competition saw me and asked me how single life was - because I didn't recognise him straight off I was feeling a bit "What the?" kinda funny.

I went out for dinner again on the Wednesday - to Orana. Rather flashy as well. Its nice to be able to afford it now. Had a nice feed of lamb shanks in a mushroom sauce.

Thursday I was supposed to go to Kerikeri and judge a speech competition, but luckly the weather prevented us from that, so I could then go to Lizelle's surprise birthday party (my workmate). That was alright. A day of good feeds.

Saturday was the ball. After all the anticipation it was not so great. It was basically a glorified version of the "dances" we used to have at Naike, and had about the same amount of eligiable girls there too - ie NIL. That wasn't so bad, but Im getting frustrated with how the functions there have roast potatoes and lamb, yet don't supply gravy? whats up with that? However during the week me and my workmate spotted cheap suits in Farmers. In the end we both bought one each. He came to my place before the ball to get ready (and have some drinks) it was quite a funny "male bonding" experience, shopping for clothes and then getting ready for the ball.

Sunday I went to Tane Mahuta, via the ferry across the Hokianga harbour. It was a interesting trip, but used a bit of petrol.

This week:
Tuesday I went to a Maori class - and found out it was full emersion - but with a bit of logical thinking I found my way around the game we played.

Thursday was badminton. A bit boring at the start cos it was a lot of sitting around while the singles championships were played. I almost went home, but then the girls came so I decided to stay LOL. I was going to ask them to come out for a drink, but Kaitaia is not so well stationed for places to go on Thursday nights.

Anyway, this weekend I'll be tidying my house, catching Waikato win the shield off North Harbour, and possibly going to watch a movie at Taipa. Next weekend Im off to Auckland.

Catch ya.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Bay of Islands: The final Paihia

Hey y'all,

Well this week I returned from feeding cats.

Tuesday night I decided to visit my ex-student from Japan while she was in Paihia, otherwise I might never manage to catch up with her in Auckland. So I did, it was all good, we went and had dinner at a Pizzeria, I was impressed that a girl of her size ate the whole pizza in front of her.

Wednesday night me and the friends I cat-sat for made use of the $100 meal voucher - you may recall the deal I had made with them in a previous entry. So yeah that was a good feed.

Thursday was badminton, Friday was vege in front of tv night, and today was try and get some work done. I wish there was more life in Kaitaia (read: girls) hence why I am here at McDs LOL. I almost considered a mission to Whangarei, but its a 2 hour trip for a similar scenerio.

I was going to go to Tane Mahuta today if the weather was better, maybe tomorrow.

Looking forward to the Ball next Saturday. Hopefully some single chicks will materialise from thin air. LOL

Friday, August 03, 2007

Gift bag

I had to laugh at the irony of the label on the plastic bag I was scooping poop into just before.

At this moment Im house sitting for some friends, and feeding their cats for them. Best thing is they have SKY and Broadband. Its all good.

The cats are a bit wary of me though. The girl cat hisses at me when I try to pat her. However the kitten is warming to me, mainly because it realises Im the hand that feeds it.